Write a proposal explaining your project or idea in approximately 700 words. Provide background information on the problem, a description of your solution, the environmental benefit, and an evaluation of the economic feasibility of your idea.
All proposal materials will be submitted here on CaringForTheKenai.com. You can include any type of multimedia.
Entries are judged according to the following rubric:
Environmental/Disaster Preparedness Benefits
Scope of Idea
Research and Development
Technology Applied
Graphic Supplements
Writing Mechanics
Word Choice
Sentence Structure
All entries must include the following:
Title Page: The name of your project/proposal. Your name or school should not appear anywhere in the document.
APA Citations: All research that has been quoted, paraphrased or summarized must have proper in‐text citations according to the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.
APA Reference Page: An alphabetized list of all research that has been quoted, paraphrased, or summarized in the proposal must be included at the end of the proposal.
Personal/Family funds spent on the proposal should not exceed $50.00. This does not preclude fundraising efforts or grants for the project.